Although this happened back in mid-2010, I just heard about it. From a recently received email….
U.S. Department of Justice ditches the red, white, and blue stars and stripes.
Obama’s Eric Holder changed the U.S. Department of Justice web site.
Gone are the colorful red, white, and blue U.S. Flag decorations on the page,
Replaced by stark black and white.
And at the top of the page, is a rather interesting quote:
“The common law is the will of mankind, issuing from the life of the people.”
The quote is from C. Wilfred Jenks, who in the 1930’s was a leading proponent of the “international law” movement, which had as its goal to impose a global common law and which backed ‘global workers’ rights.’
Call it Marxism, call it Progressivism, call it Socialism — under any of those names, it definitely makes the DOJ look corrupt in their new website with Marxist accessories to match.
See for yourself:
How very interesting that ‘they’ couldn’t find a nice quote from one of our Founders. People, we have lost our Republic. This is an example of the slow, methodical misuse of power our current government is doing as they lead us to socialism, and destroying our republic as we have known it.
…Just in case you had not noticed.