Category Archives: Reviews

Durham Public Schools gains money even while charters grow:

  Government audits reveal win-win for education and choice Government audits[i] [ii] undisputedly prove that Durham Public Schools’ total revenue increased for its students in 2017 over 2016 despite a slight decrease in enrollment. Both revenue statements and balance sheet items support the … Continue reading

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How not to teach elementary school science

CURRICULUM CRITIQUE: SCOTT, FORESMAN’S “DISCOVER SCIENCE” [When organizing some digital archives on this rainy Saturday, I came across this paper that I had written in the early 1990’s while taking a course for a lateral entry teaching certificate.  I don’t know if this … Continue reading

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The Star Spangled Banner Asks a Question. What is its answer?

[The following is the text of a brief address that I gave to an assembly of students at Charter Day School, Leland, NC in 2004.  I have repeated it several times since and now share it with you on the … Continue reading

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Scary Reading in the Washington Post: WaPo as the low-information raconteur

Washington, DC – A chatty little diatribe titled “Scary reading in charter school bill” graced the WaPo on March 28.  Confounding misinformation with ignorance in breathtaking fashion, the near-sighted worthy confuses nearly sky-high, out-of-sight  accountability with “apparently none.”

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Review: “Home Sweet Home on the Prairie”

This gallery contains 2 photos.

by Carson Robison and the Pioneers     April 10, 2004 –  With the sudden collapse of vaudeville in 1928 due to the “talkies,” many top entertainment stars were suddenly looking for new venues for their talents. At a chance NY city … Continue reading

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Review: “Parallel Paths to Constructivism: Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky” (Paperback)

by Susan Pass August 30, 2008 – How anyone can read Vygotsky’s work and conclude that he was a constructivist is beyond me. Pass doesn’t get a pass twisting Vygotsky for her own purposes. Forget her. Read Vygotsky and Piaget … Continue reading

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Review: “Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes” (Paperback)

By L. S. Vygotsky (???Author???), Michael Cole (Editor), Vera John-Steiner (Editor), Sylvia Scribner (Editor), Ellen Souberman (Editor) Revisionist Vygotsky – Save your money!    January 4, 2009 – This reissue of a 1978 reprint is supposedly a collection of Russian psychologist Vygotsky’s … Continue reading

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Review: “Teaching Needy Kids in Our Backward System” (Hardcover)

by Siegfried Engelmann   February 2, 2009: Throughout history, adventurers have chronicled their journeys though strange territories to the great benefit of mankind. Marco Polo’s journals introduced the West to the Orient. Columbus’ logs opened the western hemisphere to European … Continue reading

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