Appeals Court Story

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Teacher’s Guide to The Art of Christmas

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The Art of Christmas

The Art of Christmas

How the Good News was Spread in Olden Times

In the 1400’s, most people could not read the Bible because it was printed in Latin, a language only a few monks and clerics could read. And television and photography had not been invented, so in order to tell the story of Christianity, priests decorated the churches with large painted scenes from the Bible.

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What the Past is For

‘What the Past Is For’


The following speech was delivered in the Coolidge Auditorium on Nov. 5, 2003.

Futurology, on my definition, is a very serious science whose subject is not only non-existent but necessarily non-existent: for the future does not exist and never will. We would not find this worrying if it did not immediately bring to our attention an analogous but more terrifying insight: namely, that the past does not exist either.

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Petition for State Board of Education

Support Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson and stand with him in opposition to the newly proposed so-called “standards” for K-12 Social Studies that are divisive and destructive to our community.

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Survey of teachers about new proposed Social Studies standards

The proposed new social standards by The NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI) were sent to teachers for their comments in a recent survey. Below is one question and a teacher’s response for a 4th grade standard that is supposed to teach North Carolina history. The question exemplifies the tone of the entire standard.

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Incident on the Maco Line

Joe worked all day with shovel in hand,
Digging a hole on the back of our land.
Behind our cabin so neat and tight,
Now he carries her out and lays her low
With trembling voice and words said slow
He covers her up and goes in for the night.

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Why Johnny Still Can’t Read

Why Johnny Still Can’t Read

By BAKER A. MITCHELL JR.     October 10, 2020 6:30 AM

Public schools are passing students who can’t read at any level — all to avoid blaming teachers, lawmakers, and bureaucrats.

 Public schools from coast to coast are failing to teach young students the most basic skill they need to succeed in school and life: reading. This failure is widespread, tragic, and mostly unnecessary. We know how to teach reading, but many school administrators refuse to use the proven methods.

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Teachers’ unions focus on politics rather than educating children

Teachers’ unions focus on politics rather than educating children

The ‘can’t do’ attitude of unions gets in the way, while charter schools remain in crosshairs. Continue reading

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Achieving the Shift to On-Line

Why Many Charter Schools Were Better Prepared for Covid-19

By Baker A. Mitchell
May 29, 2020

“U.S. schools were not prepared for an overnight shift to virtual learning,” USA Today reported recently, a fact that became obvious to most parents as soon as schools were shut down by the pandemic. In fact, however, some schools—including many charter schools—were better prepared than most traditional public schools. 

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