Tag Archives: K12

Durham Public Schools gains money even while charters grow:

  Government audits reveal win-win for education and choice Government audits[i] [ii] undisputedly prove that Durham Public Schools’ total revenue increased for its students in 2017 over 2016 despite a slight decrease in enrollment. Both revenue statements and balance sheet items support the … Continue reading

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If a tree falls in the forest and no media carries the story …?

If a tree falls in the forest and no media carries the story, did the tree really fall? If public charter students test the highest and no media carries the story, did the public charter students really test the highest? … Continue reading

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National School Choice Week: Are NC public charters a good choice for your child? Demographic data reveal, “Yes!”

In acknowledgement of National School Choice Week, the following evaluates North Carolina’s public charter school option. What are public charter schools? What is their academic record?  Who are their students? Information compiled directly from North Carolina Department of Public Instruction test … Continue reading

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Charter Students Outperform Traditional Students by a Wide Margin

According to official state data, how do public charter students compare to public traditional students on state End-of Grade tests?  The NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has released the raw data for each public school’s end-of-grade test results. DPI also calculates … Continue reading

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A CLP school is a CLP school is a CLP school: and by any other name would perform as poorly.

In a fit of legislative hocus-pocus, the same Perdue regime which left NC $3.5 billion in debt and cut funding to schools passed Senate Bill 704[i] in the twilight hours of 100 years of Democrat control in May, 2010. The … Continue reading

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Classical History Curriculum by The Roger Bacon Academy

The Roger Bacon Academy (RBA) developed and teaches a classical history curriculum for the schools that it manages.  I have been asked frequently how the RBA “classical history” curriculum differs from a typical “social studies” curriculum, so I would like to share … Continue reading

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How not to teach elementary school science

CURRICULUM CRITIQUE: SCOTT, FORESMAN’S “DISCOVER SCIENCE” [When organizing some digital archives on this rainy Saturday, I came across this paper that I had written in the early 1990’s while taking a course for a lateral entry teaching certificate.  I don’t know if this … Continue reading

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